The Deep

An epic tale of survival, based on a true story.

Next Event
24th October 7:30pm
Event Finishes
24th October 9:30pm

About this event

An epic tale of survival, based on a true story.

As night turns into day over the ice-cold waters off the coast of Iceland, a young fisherman finds his boat sinking. With his hopes of survival quickly drifting away, we witness his journey through the hopes, fears, and regrets of his unresolved life.

Featuring projection and live choral music from regional choirs, this monologue presents a moving story of the fishing community and a touching tribute to those lost at sea.

Written by Jón Atli Jónasson, The Deep was turned into a successful film in Iceland and won many awards including Best Filmscript of the Year.


Enjoy theatre but don’t have a theatre buddy? Try Theatre Club. A bit like a book club, simply purchase a Theatre Club ticket (by choosing the Theatre Club ticket type at no extra charge) and join like-minded theatre lovers in the bar for a pre-show chat.

We will provide some background to the production, the writer, the theatre company and the actors to get you started. The Theatre Club area will be available for you to return to in the interval if you wish and, post-show, we invite you to continue the conversation at The Dog & Partridge where we have reserved a table for you.

Come alone or with a friend.

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