Legend of St Edmund Book restoration unveiling 2021 1500x390


Restoration of The Legend of St Edmund Wolf Book

The wooden Legend of St Edmund Wolf book in the Abbey Gardens has undergone some restoration and is ready for the visitor season.

Legend of St Edmund Gets A Makeover

Legend of St Edmund Book restoration unveiling 2021 965x540

Photo: Josephine Sweetman

Restoration of the wooden Legend of St Edmund Wolf book has been completed by Den Humphrey of ‘Out of Our Tree’.

The book which tells the legend of St Edmund and wolf was part of the extremely popular Bury St Edmund’s ‘Wolf Trail’ in 2015.

It was moved into the Abbey Gardens near the kiosk and aviary at the end of the trail.

Legend of St Edmund Abbey Gardens oak book Mark Cordell 965x540

Residents and visitors both young and old love to read about the legend of the wolf and St Edmund.

The wolf features in many areas of the town life examples include The Bury St Edmunds town crest, on a roundabout, in historic embroidery, paintings as well as the logos and crests of a number of companies in the town.

Mark Cordell CEO of Our Bury St Edmunds BID said “Myself and Melanie Lesser organised the Wolf Trail and noticed last year that the book was looking the worse for wear. We approached the creator Den Humphrey, asking him to create a new book but he was determined to restore the original and what a great job he has done too! The BID was very happy to contribute to the overall costs and thanks to Councillor Lanelli-Popham and Bury in Bloom for doing likewise. The Legend of St Edmund is an important part of the history of the town and now visitors to the Abbey Gardens can once again read about it in this fabulous Oak book.”

Funding for the restoration has come from Bury St Edmunds Town Councillor Nicola Lannelli-Popham’s locality budget, Our Bury St Edmunds, Abbey Gardens Friends and The Bury Society.

The Abbey Gardens Friends Volunteer Gardeners will ensure that the restored book is keep in good condition by cleaning the book and applying wood oil regularly.

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