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The Angel Hotel Launches a new Dickens-themed themed afternoon tea experience

The Pickwick Afternoon Tea

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Those who visit Bury St Edmunds cannot miss the blue plaque sitting proudly at the front of The Angel Hotel, commemorating Dicken’s many visits to the town, installed on the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Dickens first stayed at the Angel in 1835 as a journalist for the Morning Chronicle, staying in (what was then) room 11. He later returned in both 1859 and 1861, staying at the Angel in what is now room 215. He gave readings at the nearby Athenaeum from both The Pickwick Papers, and A Personal History of David Copperfield. Scenes in ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’ based on Dickens' novel, directed by Armando Iannucci and starring Dev Patel, were shot in Bury St Edmunds in July 2018 and was released in 2019 - 185 years after Dickens first stayed in Bury St Edmunds.

The ground floor of The Angel Hotel features wonderful nods to Dickens, including quotes on mirrors, artwork and copies of his books. The bar offers signature Dickens inspired cocktails, and now this landmark hotel is serving ‘The Pickwick Afternoon Tea’ – a themed afternoon tea experience based on the life & works of Dickens.

At just £35 per person, The Pickwick Afternoon Tea includes a selection of savouries, warm scones with homemade jam and clotted cream and sweet treats, served in our relaxing lounge. From ‘Butter fingers’ to ‘Hot Sausage and Mustard’ to Victoria sponge and ‘‘Cold Jelly & Custard” – the menu encompasses many fictitious characters featured in Dickens’ novels.

From ‘Butter fingers’ to ‘Hot Sausage and Mustard’ to Victoria sponge and ‘‘Cold Jelly & Custard” – the menu encompasses many fictitious characters featured in Dickens’ novels.

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The Angel itself features heavily in The Pickwick Papers. As Mr Pickwick and his manservant, Sam, arrive in the town, they discuss:

‘Beg your pardon Sir’, said Sam, suddenly breaking off in his loquacious discourse. “Is this Bury St. Edmunds?”. “It is,” replied Mr. Pickwick. The coach rattled through the well paved streets of a handsome little town, of thriving and cleanly appearance, and stopped before a large inn situated in a wide open street, nearly facing the old abbey. “And this,” said Mr. Pickwick, looking up, “is the Angel! We alight here, Sam.”

You can upgrade on the day to our 'Devil-May-Care' afternoon tea which includes a glass of Champagne or Dickens-inspired cocktail such as the Artful Dodger or the Oliver Twist. And for those who relate to the famous line, ‘please, sir, I want some more’…. Tea & coffee is unlimited.

Table reservations can be made directly on the website & vouchers can be purchased to enjoy this afternoon tea experience via https://theangel.giftpro.co.uk/

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